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Uncovering the origins and inspiration behind America’s iconic pony car

The Ford Mustang, an iconic symbol of American automotive culture, has been thrilling drivers for over five decades. But have you ever wondered what inspired its name? In this article, we’ll delve int …

Updated July 23, 2023

The Ford Mustang, an iconic symbol of American automotive culture, has been thrilling drivers for over five decades. But have you ever wondered what inspired its name? In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating story behind the Mustang’s moniker.

The Ford Mustang was named after a horse breed known for its agility, strength, and endurance - the Przewalski’s Horse, also known as the Dzungarian Pony. This remarkable animal, native to the Mongolian steppes, is considered one of the last truly wild horses in existence.

In the early 1960s, Ford Motor Company was seeking a name that would capture the essence of their new pony car - a compact, sporty vehicle designed to appeal to a younger generation. The team behind the Mustang, led by Lee Iacocca and Larry Shinoda, were inspired by the idea of a horse that embodied freedom, power, and agility.

The Przewalski’s Horse, with its reputation for being fierce and untamed, seemed like the perfect inspiration. According to Ford’s official archives, the name “Mustang” was chosen because it evoked the image of a wild and unbridled animal - much like the car itself.

In an interview with Car and Driver magazine, Larry Shinoda revealed that the team considered other names, including “Pony Car,” “Rampager,” and even “Mustang Sally.” However, it was the Przewalski’s Horse that ultimately won out, providing a name that has become synonymous with American automotive culture.

The Mustang’s design, too, was inspired by its equine counterpart. The car’s sloping hood, curved body, and athletic stance were all intended to evoke the power and agility of the wild horse. As Lee Iacocca once said, “We wanted a car that would run like a mustang - fast, agile, and free.”

Today, the Ford Mustang is an iconic symbol of American automotive culture, with a rich history that spans over five decades. Its name, inspired by the Przewalski’s Horse, has become synonymous with freedom, power, and adventure.


  • Ford Motor Company Archives: “The Story Behind the Mustang Name”
  • Car and Driver magazine: “Larry Shinoda Talks About the Original Mustang” (1995)
  • Lee Iacocca: “Talking about the Mustang” (1980s)

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