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Uncovering the Inspiration Behind America’s Iconic Muscle Car

Learn about the fascinating story behind the naming of the Ford Mustang, and how it reflects the spirit of innovation and competition that defines the automotive industry. …

Updated May 4, 2023

Learn about the fascinating story behind the naming of the Ford Mustang, and how it reflects the spirit of innovation and competition that defines the automotive industry.

The Ford Mustang is one of the most iconic muscle cars in American history. Since its introduction at the 1964 World’s Fair, the Mustang has become a cultural phenomenon, symbolizing freedom, performance, and style. But have you ever wondered what inspired the name “Mustang”? In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating story behind the Mustang’s nomenclature and explore how it reflects the spirit of innovation and competition that defines the automotive industry.

The Name Inspiration

The name “Mustang” was chosen by Lee Iacocca, then vice president and general manager of Ford Division. According to Iacocca, he wanted a name that would evoke the idea of freedom, power, and agility. After some deliberation, the team settled on “Mustang,” inspired by the mustang horse.

The Mustang Horse

The American Mustang is a feral horse breed that roams freely in the western United States. These horses are known for their strength, agility, and independence. In the 1960s, the term “mustang” was also used to describe young, unbroken colts that were strong, spirited, and prone to bucking.

Ford’s Marketing Strategy

When choosing a name for the new car, Iacocca and his team drew parallels between the American Mustang horse and their own vehicle. They wanted a name that would convey a sense of freedom, power, and youthfulness. The term “Mustang” was meant to evoke images of a wild, untamed stallion, bursting with energy and vitality.

Competitive Advantage

In an era where car makers were competing fiercely for market share, the Mustang’s name was seen as a strategic advantage. By naming their car after a symbol of American freedom and strength, Ford aimed to tap into the country’s cultural zeitgeist. The “Mustang” moniker was meant to convey a sense that the new car was more than just a vehicle - it was an experience.


The Mustang has since become one of the most iconic cars in history, with over 10 million units sold worldwide. Its name has become synonymous with American muscle and performance. Today, the Mustang continues to be a cultural phenomenon, inspiring countless enthusiasts, collectors, and car enthusiasts around the world.

In conclusion, the Ford Mustang’s name was inspired by the American Mustang horse - a symbol of freedom, strength, and agility. By choosing this name, Lee Iacocca and his team aimed to tap into the country’s cultural zeitgeist and create a competitive advantage in the market. The rest, as they say, is history.

Technical Details

  • Engine: 260 cu. in. V8 (1964)
  • Transmission: 3-speed automatic
  • Drive Train: Rear-wheel drive
  • Top Speed: 110 mph (177 km/h)